Succulent Plant Care

Succulents are plants that store water in their leaves and stems, often giving them a thick, waxy appearance. These plants even get their name from the Latin word “sucus” which means juice or sap! There are several hundred types of succulents and they can take on many forms: from fleshy and low to the ground, to flower-shaped and flower producing, and even tree height! These tough-as-nails plants can be found in places across the globe, mostly in dry, sunny climates and locations with conditions often too harsh for other plants to survive.

The presence of water storage tissues in succulents makes them especially drought tolerant! As such, they appreciate letting the soil thoroughly dry out between watering. This could mean watering sparingly once a week, but it is always helpful to stick your finger in the soil to double-check if it is dry enough to warrant the next watering. If you are unsure, it is better to lean toward under watering as the main mistake with these plants is giving them too much attention.

Although there are many succulent varieties, a good rule of thumb is to place them in a very bright sunny location. Most succulents love full sun- a southern facing window should do the trick! Due to their often arid origins, succulents do well when potted with well-draining soil and cactus potting mix can be found at most garden centers. Succulents do not require much fertilizer, and if desired a low nitrogen fertilizer can be used once in the spring. As far as temperature is concerned 60-90 °F is usually best for these plants.

Overall, succulents are very easy-going plants that are low maintenance, making them a good starting place for first-time plant parents!