Foliage Plant Care

Foliage plants refer to those that are lush, usually with larger, decorative leaves. Popular foliage plants include the Alocasia Polly, Monstera deliciosa, and Calathea lancifolia. They can come in a variety of sizes, leaf shapes and colors, and are found all over the globe! Due to their diverse origins, caring for a foliage plant can vary greatly depending on their native climate and environmental needs.

That being said, there are some general care tips that can be helpful.
As a common rule, it is always best to check in with your foliage plant before watering! Stick your finger in the top inch of soil to feel if it is starting to dry out, and only then give them a thorough drink. Usually, foliage plants are happy when watered 1-2 times a week in the summer and then once a week in the colder months.

In terms of sunlight, most foliage plants thrive in bright, indirect light. Indirect is key! Make sure your plant is receiving about 5-6 hours of light a day, as too much full sun can often cause leaves to burn or get crispy. This can mean placing your specimen in a room with a southern or south-west facing window, but being sure not to choose the windowsill itself. Foliage plants that have very colorful or variegated leaves generally need a bit more light, since they have less chlorophyll and need more light to complete the same amount of photosynthesis.

An indoor temperature range of 60-80 °F is preferred for most foliage plants. Typically not very picky, an organic potting soil will do the trick when potting. Applying a natural liquid fertilizer once a month in the summer growing season can be beneficial and stimulate additional growth!
As foliage plants often have large leaves, it is common for them to accumulate a bit of dirt and dust over time. Cleaning the leaves with a clean, damp cloth not only keeps them looking shiny and fresh but also helps with the plant’s photosynthesis and pest resistance! Be sure to do this cleaning during the morning when out of harsh sunlight to avoid leaf burning.
With a wide range of appearances and specific care conditions, foliage plants are an easy fit for any room or desired aesthetic!